101 in 1001

I have a friend who keeps an ongoing "bucket list." Her name is Lizzie. She's quite eccentric for barely being over 25, but that's one of the things I love most about her. In her life it seemed that every day was a dream being lived out and fulfilled. She made plans... and she executed them.

I always got a slight chills whenever she'd pull out her journal full of things she planned to do before she died. And I'd love listening to some of the bizzare things, as well as the mundane ones she had written down. The chills came whenever she was checking things off.

I noticed a similar "bucket list" of sorts on a blog I follow... allison writes: 101 in 1001. And now I really want to make a list of things I'd love to have done by the time I'm 30, or 40, or just before I'm dead, haha.

At the moment, I can't think of much. So... wanna help? Leave me a comment with some things you think I should add to my list. Adventures. Travels. Creative undertakings. Whatever you think I might enjoy... even if (and maybe especially if) it pushes me out of my comfort zone!


  1. hey i just found out about your blog. i also started doing a 101 list in 2011. i found it easier when I had things in groups like educational, professional, reading, writing, sightseeing, hobbies, foods, health, social stuff, clothes, electronics, crafts....

    1. Smart idea! I am totally not doing a great job with mine! Or maybe cause I don't really have a list... I just add things as I go on in life! :-)


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