The Sacred Search
I've had a lot of posts about being single. How it sucks , how I'm fine with it , how I don't care and how I hate being hit on . Blah, Blah, Blah. Don't get me wrong--they are all very true. But I think I'm finally getting to a point where being in a relationship (or not being in one) isn't a secret obsession of mine. A thing that I act cool about, but really I'm hurt and confused about why I wasn't good enough or whatever. I'm finally just moving on from it all. Because when I think back to all those past relationships, I'm not so sure if I'd be all that happy if they did work out. None of them were bad people or anything, but I think they all were/are bad for me. Realizing that has made it hurt less. Realizing what would be good for me has made it hurt less. One of the things I've been really focusing on for the last few months is Matthew 6:33: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto ...