Canon Imagination

GroceriesPrecious MemoriesThe Haze Of The NightGarden Of AresSkies Of BlueConvalescence.
Kauen im liegen
Mika und sein HerrchenThe RaceNo Shoreline Sightseeing Today
Canon Imagination, a group on Flickr.

So I ran across this randomly while playing around online and got pretty excited. I love my Canon! And what greater way to see all I can do with it by checking out other people's photos!

Also, I saw something about inspiring a Ron Howard production with photographs. Which got me really excited. I thought, 'Hey, maybe I could enter..." But after reading a bit more, it turns out I've missed the deadline. And there's already some semi-finalists and stuff. Winners will be announced in July.

So while my briefly lifted hopes were quickly deflated, it still got me thinking about how I should get out there and take more pictures. And suddenly... I'm feeling a bit more inspired.

We'll see what comes out of me over the next few weeks or so!


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