If This is True, Then...

One of my favorite times of year is Easter.

It wasn't always like this. As a kid, Christmas took the cake. Decorating the tree, presents, Christmas carols and pageants. It's all joy and gladness.

And Easter? It just felt a little more doom and gloom--especially on Good Friday. I mean, what's happy about The Cross? And while I learned and understood that the Sunday was coming, and the tomb would be empty... it just never felt as exciting.

But, as I've grown older, I've spent time in Lenten devotionals that have really brought Easter alive for me. Spending 40 days reflecting on my sin and depravity, and truly grasping me need for Christ and His sacrifice has made Easter so special.

This year, IF: Gathering, which hosts one of my favorite devotional resources, launched a study on the Nicene Creed at the beginning of Holy Week. Initially, I felt it was ill-timed. Every other study was going through a real-time journey to the Cross and Resurrection, and they wanted us to spend the week thinking about the existence of God?  But over the last four days, I realized how perfect studying this creed was.

A creed is a statement of belief. And the first section of the Nicene Creed reads as follows:

We believe in One God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and all that is seen and unseen. 

It all starts here.

Before we can believe in the Cross, before we can be thankful for the Resurrection, we have to first believe that God exists. And understanding who God is, makes me long for the redemption of the Cross even more.

He is power. He is beauty. He is splendor, glory and greatness. He is our Good Father. And He is "three-in-oneness." All these attributes makes Him so much bigger and greater than I am. And, ultimately, I am unworthy.

Hence, The Cross.

And through the Cross, we have access to God. God who is our Father, and  adopts us into His family. God who is the Son, who sacrificed His righteous self for our unrighteousness. And God who is The Spirit, who guides and comforts us through this life.

Studying the Nicene Creed has made me stop and intentionally think about why I believe what I believe. Why I celebrate Easter. Why I am so thankful for the Cross. But even more of why I am thankful for the Resurrection and anticipate His Second Coming.

Because I believe in God.


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