Heading to Rwanda in the Summer!

Dear Family and Friends,

In February, I participated in a women’s conference called IF: Gathering. The theme this year was all about faith—if God is real, then what? If I believe in His word, then what? If I trust that He is good, how do I respond? At the end of the week, we were asked to think about our “next step of faith” and offered different ways for us to actively live out our faith.

One of those ways was through a mission trip to work alongside Africa New Life Ministries in Rwanda. Rwanda is a small but densely populated country nestled in East Africa. During the 20th century, Rwanda reached a height of violence in the 1994 Genocide. Now, over 20 years since the Genocide, Rwanda has and continues to demonstrate to the world the power of reconciliation and forgiveness. Africa New Life Ministries is a child sponsorship organization that provides a comprehensive level of care to the students, ministering to both physical and spiritual needs as well as focusing on the communities at large. Their goal is to stop the cycle of poverty that continues to exist in Rwanda.

I heard the founder of Africa New Life speak four years ago when I first moved to Houston, and over the last year have been following IF’s involvement with the organization, as well. I took a step of faith and applied to go on the mission trip and recently found out I’ve been accepted onto the team! I’m excited about this opportunity for a lot of reasons, but mostly because of where it will lead me on my faith journey. For those of you who followed my blog when I went to India last year, or even know about the two trips I’ve taken to Haiti, you know that I’ve felt especially called to give and serve out of the abundance I feel God has given me. Right now I’m blessed with a lot of freedom and time, and so I’ve been willing and open to go wherever God might lead.

And this summer, God has opened the door for me to travel with IF to work alongside Africa New Life in the communities they serve. My trip dates are July 5th-14th, 2015. We live in a world that have vast needs—both physically and spiritually. And I strongly believe that God calls us all to show compassion on the widow, the orphan, and the poor. I also believe that when done right, short-term mission trips create an opportunity for people to not just be hearers of the Word, but doers. It’s an opportunity for us to better understand how Christ is working in the Global Church.

I invite you into this experience with me. Please join me in prayer both for the ministries in Rwanda, as well as my team. Pray that we may be good listeners and learners, that God will use us in whatever ways are needed, and that we would be changed ourselves from the experience. I also invite you to prayerfully consider financially supporting me on this trip. I’m looking to raise $3,350. Your support would mean a great deal! (I'll post details below and I’ve also included the details as an attachment).

I recently found this quote that I love, “Let us be the ones to say we are not satisfied that your place of birth determines your right to life [or education, or freedom, or whatever]. Let us be outraged, let us be loud, let us be bold.” Going to Rwanda is me being loud, me being bold. Whether it is in ministry here or in ministry overseas, my prayer is to bring my life in alignment to God’s will, or as the Psalmist says, “…show me the way I should go, for to YOU I entrust my life.” Psalm 143:8.



P.S. The quote above? … it was said by Brad Pitt. 

How to Financial Support Me...
Thank you very much for contributing to my service in Rwanda. I value your investment in our team as well as your prayers during our time in Rwanda. Below are two ways you can contribute financially:

A check made out to Africa New Life Ministries mailed with the attached form.
·       Mail checks to the following address:
Africa New Life Ministries
Attn: Team Trips
7145 SW Varns St. Ste. 201
Portland, OR 97223
·       It is also advisable to place my name on the back of the giving envelope.   (Please do not write my name anywhere on the check).
Giving online through the website.
·       Go to www.africanewlife.org
·       Go to Donate in the upper middle of the home page.
·       Under Giving Options, scroll down to Team Trip Donation and follow the directions through the process of online giving.
·       You will then receive an email receipt for your donation.
·       Reply to the email receipt and state that the donation is for a team member.
§  i.e. ‘This donation is for Bunmi Ishola’s team trip.’
(When giving online there is no need to mail anything into Africa New Life.)

Africa New Life Ministries is a nonprofit 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law, so far as no goods or services were exchanged. You will receive a receipt recognizing your donation in January following the year of donation.


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