Things I hate Most about Moving...

1. Finding a new church
2. Making new friends

Who would have thought two things would be so hard to find in a new place. But man, is it hard.

The church thing isn't too horrible... it's just more the desire to find a place and getting to know people and feeling a part of the congregation. That just takes a while. I mean, I will admit that I can be kind of picky about churches--I can be critical of the worship (it can't be too solemn, can't be too rock-n-roll, I appreciate some old time hymns thrown in here and there), critical of the sermon (my Bible needs to be opened at least once, and I like flipping through it and seeing connections between scripture), critical of the people (which is horrible, since I'm not perfect. But I guess in a church setting, I don't like people who are too spiritual, or people who seem to just be there for a good time). Usually, you have to give and take a bit, which I do. But no matter what, I want a church to feel like home. I've been to a few since I've moved to Houston, and there are two that I think I like. But I don't know... might still be looking for a while.

The friends thing... I don't know. One of the things that made taking a job in Houston and packing up my life in Dallas is that I know people here. People who I see (or maybe I should say, saw) as friends. Except, I feel so lonely here. It's going back to my year in Oklahoma, my year in Chicago, my first six months in Dallas... . I thought knowing people here--people who I actually used to hang out with and talk to a lot and even considered very good friends--would make this transition relatively seamless. I was wrong about that.

I've had people try to placate me by saying it's part of growing up, and maintaining friendships is an art, and blah, blah, blah...

In my opinion, friends are friends. Either you're one or you're not.

But it is what it is. All I know is that I HATE moving.


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